1 1/2 Hours (2019)

4.7 10 90
1 1/2 Hours (2019)
Opis: Long take uncut about ANA's life, who is recently divorced and has a daughter, ANA has started a relationship but she want anybody knows about it. That morning Ana received a call saying her daughter is call and she must to pick her at school, but at school no one knows where his daughter is. There she received a unknown call from the kidnapper who has her daughter and they begin to blackmail her. If she wants her daughter back, she must to do anything and gradually she become isolated. Finally ANA is face to face with the kidnapper. —Long take uncut about ANA's life, who is recently divorced and has a daughter, ANA has started a relationship but she want anybody knows about it. That morning Ana received a call saying her daughter is call and she must to pick her at school, but at school no one knows where his daughter is. There she received a unknow call from the kidnapper who has her daughter and they begin to blackmail her. If she wants her daughter back, she must to do anything and gradually she become isolated. Finally ANA is face to face with the kidnapper.
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