2 Graves in the Desert (2020)

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2 Graves in the Desert (2020)
Opis: When Eric wakes up, tied and gagged in the trunk of a pick-up truck, it's instantly clear he's been kidnapped and he quickly discovers he's accompanied by a young woman, Blake, another hostage. Neither can recall how they ended up in this dire situation, and together they desperately try and get any help they can. With no help coming, and as things become more and more hopeless, it soon becomes apparent that there is more at stake than it first seems. The two kidnappers have their own agenda, and it's not a pleasant one. Starring Michael Madsen and William Baldwin, 2 Graves In The Desert is a cold thriller set on the blazing road to Las Vegas, provoking the ultimate question - is there any way the hostages can escape alive?
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