9 Ways to Hell (2022)

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9 Ways to Hell (2022)
Opis: A descent down the 9 Circles of Dante's Inferno. Limbo: A criminal on the run reaches the end of the road in a dark and disturbing place. Lust: A twisted love triangle between a ditzy hooker, a crazy dark angel, and drug addicted schnook. Gluttony: A gold-digger's appetites leads to messy comeuppance. Greed: A young girl's obsession opens the door to unspeakable evil. Wrath: A racist cop learns the true nature of justice. Heresy: A teen's religious compulsion becomes a family's nightmare. Violence: A woman assassin fights to redeem her mother's soul. Fraud: An actress can't understand why her family doesn't recognize her. Betrayal: A woman is forced to confront the truth of her depressing life.
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