A Nice Girl Like You (2020)

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A Nice Girl Like You (2020)
Opis: "A Nice Girl Like You" is a romantic-comedy film starring award-winning actresses Lucy Hale (Pretty Little Liars, Truth or Dare), Mindy Cohn (Consequences, The Facts Of Life), Jackie Cruz (Orange Is The New Black), Australian actor Leonidas Gulaptis (The Answer, Gala and Godfrey), and Adhir Kalyan (Rules of Engagement ). Based on the popular memoir by Ayn Carrillo-Gailey, the story follows Lucy Neal (Hale), a violinist who is thrown for a loop when she is accused of being too inhibited by her ex-boyfriend. In an effort to prove him wrong, Lucy creates a rather wild to-do list that sends her on a whirlwind and surprising journey of self-discovery, friendship, and new love. —CaliWood Pictures
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