AK vs AK (2020)

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AK vs AK (2020)
Opis: Anurag Kashyap and Anil Kapoor haven't worked together since their shelved film Allwyn Kalicharan in 2003.They both get in tiff with each other at a talk show while Anurag Kashyap spills water on Anil Kapoor's face in front of whole media.Anurag Kashyap later decides apologize to Anil Kapoor and on his birthday reaches his film set trying to convince him to act in his new film as lead.Anil Kapoor not willing to work with him but Anurag Kashyap has Pre planned everything by kidnapping his daughter Sonam Kapoor where he has to find his daughter before sunrise while Anurag Kashyap's camera will be rolling on him to get the realistic feel according to the script. —[email protected]
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