Amigos hasta la muerte (2023)

Amigos hasta la muerte (2023)
Opis: María, Nacho and Suso are three lifelong friends. The three have experienced many things together, some very beautiful and others not so much, things that united or separated them. And suddenly, in the middle of life, they must face death. The announced death of one of the three, who is suffering from a terminal illness. Before that happens, there are many matters to close: plans, promises, reproaches, laughter, reconciliations, apologies, memories, more laughter, tears, laughter again, pending issues and some other secret that perhaps the time has come to uncover. 'Friends Till Death' is a dramatic comedy. Or perhaps an emotional tragicomedy. Or maybe even a macabre romantic comedy. It is a comedy that laughs at death and a drama that suffers for a love that is reciprocated. María, Nacho and Suso will have to ask themselves many questions and they have very little time left to answer them. They probably don't have an easy answer to any of those questions, but what's certain is that the three of them will try to solve them together, because that's what they're 'Friends to death'.—Medio Limón Producciones S.L.
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