Another Version of You (2018)

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Another Version of You (2018)
Opis: Diggsy Ellston has been in love with Suzette Larking since he was a boy. When Suzette gets married to another man, Diggsy meets a stranger who offers him an unbelievable gift: the unusual possibility of finding another Suzette. This offering comes in the form of a key that opens doors into parallel universes. Universes where other versions of Suzette may not only exist, but where one of them could even possibly love him. Sounds magical, but there's one major catch: Once Diggsy uses the key, he can't go back; he will forever leave everyone and everything he has ever known. Diggsy's hesitation lies in the strong bond he shares with his sister, Daphne, but he justifies his decision to leave on the belief that she wants him to move on in life. With every new universe comes a new decision: Stay or leave? Settle or keep chasing the dream of finding a Suzette who will love him? Diggsy's journey is filled with comedy, heartbreak, adventure, and a heavy dose of fish out of water. —Motke Dapp
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