Asking for It (2021)

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Asking for It (2021)
Opis: After small town waitress Joey (Kiersey Clemons) is sexually assaulted after a date with her old friend Mike (Casey Cott), she befriends mysterious stranger Regina (Alexandra Shipp). Regina introduces her to The Cherry Bombers, an all femme gang including Beatrice (Vanessa Hudgens), Lily (Leslie Stratton), Sal (Radha Mitchell), Jett (Leyna Bloom), Angie (Lisa Yaro), Fala (Casey Camp-Horinek), and Rudy (Gabourey Sidibe). All suffering from past traumas, together they fight a misogynistic society by targeting violent frat boys, a corrupt police force of human traffickers led by Sheriff Morel (David Patrick Kelly), and the dangerous alt-right group MFM (Men's First Movement) headed by Mark Vanderhill (Ezra Miller). As Joey is drawn further into their chaotic world, Sal's old flame, Logan County Sheriff Vernon (Luke Hemsworth), investigates MFM, leading to a thrilling showdown. —Judd Taylor
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