Beers of Joy (2019)

6.8 10 120
Beers of Joy (2019)
Opis: Beers of Joy is a fascinating, entertaining, and delightful journey into our world's favorite, magical elixir. Feast upon stunning visuals of medieval monasteries, ancient Italian villages, and breweries from across the world that serve as the backdrop for four people immersing themselves in their passion for beer. An internationally acclaimed brewer and a celebrated chef take separate journeys of discovery through Europe and early America, while two Advanced Cicerones attempt to pass the prestigious Master Cicerone exam (beer's equivalent to wine's Master Sommelier), one of the most difficult tests in the world. Historians, scientists, clergy, brewers and, most importantly, every man and woman flavor this brew, a love letter to beer that proves once and for all that beer isn't just a happy hour drink anymore.
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