Bernard and Huey (2017)

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Bernard and Huey (2017)
Opis: Based on characters that originally appeared in Oscar/Pulitzer-winner Jules Feiffer's Village Voice comic strip dating back to 1957, Jules wrote the screenplay to "Bernard and Huey" in 1986. It took director Dan Mirvish (Slamdance co-founder) four years to track down the script and work with Feiffer - now 88 and still extremely active as a graphic novelist and playwright - to reinvigorate the project. Cast includes Oscar-winner Jim Rash, Richard Kind, Nancy Travis, Sasha Alexander, Bellamy Young and Mae Whitman, among others. Shot on Super16 film and Alexa. The film starts with post-collegiate Huey (a roguish ladies man) and Bernard (his nebbishy best friend). We flash forward 25 years and now Bernard is a successful New York bachelor, and Huey arrives on his doorstep looking old and washed up. As the two reconnect, Bernard starts a relationship with Huey's estranged daughter Zelda, an aspiring cartoonist. Huey slowly gets his mojo back and tries to seduce various women in Bernard's ...
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