Black Friday Subliminal (2021)

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Black Friday Subliminal (2021)
Opis: In Black Friday Subliminal, an action packed suspense thriller from Robin Troja Films, the subconscious of Chauncey D. Henry, Esq. and Executive Producer Paul A. Campbell, when an NYPD officer adopts a fallacious disregard of the conspicuous, he becomes consumed by more than meets the eye.Following the passing of his mother, NYPD cop Daniel Hart, Jr. (Adrian Sterling) and his father Mr. Hart, Sr. (Jeffrey T. Williams) are brought together for Thanksgiving Dinner by his wife Carole (Heidi Danae Crane) for the first time since his mothers passing.Attempts made by the family to alter Jr.'s obstinate viewpoint of an affliction he has lived with and ignored, are followed by a chain of escalating revelations in reality and beneath the surface. Faced with a brutal reality and unbeatable odds, Jr. must embark upon an internal journey with the assistance of elements he would have least expected, in hopes to triumph over a deadly and debilitating condition and survive Black Friday Subliminal.Black Friday Subliminal is written and directed by Chauncey D. Henry, Esq.(practicing attorney), in his directorial debut, and produced by Robin Troja Films and Executive Producer Paul Campbell. The film also stars Adrian Sterling (previous NFL), Heidi Crane (Broadway), Jeff Williams, Shon Jacobs, Richard Ruskin, Catherine Valentine, Rachel Lewis, Grace Bozza, Isaac E. Gay (Luke Cage), Alex Armesto, Christopher Spurrier, Miles Lobo and Fenton Li, and more. For Full Cast & Crew (See Official IMDb)
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