Borrelia Borealis (2021)

Borrelia Borealis (2021)
Opis: Beth, an already lonely and isolated woman living in Los Angeles, suffering from late-stage Chronic Lyme Disease finds herself at the end of her rope when a global pandemic and encroaching wildfires make her already complicated and stressful prognosis that much more dire. When her Lyme-literate doctor forces her to confront the traumas and demons of her past to get her dangerously high inflammation levels down, immunocompromised Beth is brought to her knees by the process. On a particularly bad night, she receives a video chat "wrong number" by a mysterious man living in New England who brings her much needed humor, comfort and understanding through the screen. As their unlikely romance develops, secrets are revealed, truths unearthed, and a new cosmic world is discovered as a way to be with the ones we love during a time when face-to-face is near impossible. As the world continues to burn, two lovers find their footing in astral projection. But they can't ignore reality forever.
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