Boudica: Rise of the Warrior Queen (2019)

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Boudica: Rise of the Warrior Queen (2019)
Opis: Boudica is an innocent sixteen-year-old girl who is forced into an arranged marriage by her father, the leader of a Celtic Tribe. However, her mother is unsure, doing whatever it takes to protect her daughter; so much so that she takes Boudica and persuades her to flee the village and live in her childhood home, away from an arranged marriage and a miserable life. Confusion and uncertainty fills Boudica's world as she faces so many challenges - the constant protection from her mother, falling in love, the ambiguity of her father's whereabouts and finding her inner strength and power. It is only a matter of time before the past catches up with everyone and Boudica must transform from a girl into the warrior queen of legend in order to protect the lives of those she loves. —Tornado
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