Chained (2018)

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Chained (2018)
Opis: CHAINED This series centers around two young Latina street hustlers, Jasmine (Jaz) Aviles and Tabitha (Trouble) Vargas, who ruled a section of Spanish Harlem during the 1980s. They are so notorious that no one dares to mess with them. Jaz wanted more than just the simple life. Growing up in Spanish Harlem, she got a clear look of both sides of the drug game, yet she focused on the glamour, which always brought a spark to her eye, preventing her from seeing the price one pays in the game. Growing up in a turbulent home, Jaz wanted out, so she decided to leap into the dark world determined to become a key player in her neighborhood with the help of her childhood friend Trouble, who like Jaz wanted to leave behind her own upbringing. Their rise to the top is a ferocious ride, but when these two women find themselves in too deep, they wonder if they could ever make it out alive. Can Trouble hold down the streets, while her partner is in a time of need? Will Jaz survive the unending ties to the streets as she prepares for another life?
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