Opis: Cami Conway has it all. She's got the job she wants as a recording engineer and is headed towards engagement, marriage and kids with her wonderful boyfriend, Paul. And yet, she feels something is missing. Is it just FOMO and the fear of commitment that goes with it? Or is she actually missing out on an even better career, perhaps the long abandoned singing career she once dreamed of? And is Paul the love of her life? What if it's Rex Galier, the sexy British rock star, who walks into her studio and becomes irrepressibly smitten? Or could it be Jack Menna, her first love, "the one that got away", the idealistic world traveler, who returns home and is ready to rekindle their youthful passion? Cami faces a kaleidoscope of tempting but tough choices: from serious ethical dilemmas to the frivolous "Truth or Dare." What she chooses depends wholly on you, the viewer. But be careful. Things don't always play out like you think.
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