Class Acts (2018)

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Class Acts (2018)
Opis: A group of high school misfits who cant stay out of trouble are given an assignment in their broadcasting class in order to graduate. all hell breaks loose. late nights and crazy antics are a thing of the past for these friends. well, maybe not. for Stephen, Kevin and Ryan, making the transition to stoner slackers to high school grads can be tricky, since they don't take anyone or anything seriously. they spend their time making the best of any situation and looking for good time while dragging their fr-enemy christy into the drama.
OBAVESTENJE! Postovani, u slucaju da ne mozete da postite video sadrzaj, iskljucite ad-block ili/i pokusajte sa drugim pretrazivacem, napominjemo, mi ne streamujemo video sadrzaj tako da ne mozemo ni uticati na njega, sve reklame sto se pojave su reklame od samog hostera, hvala i uzivajte u gledanju, Vase
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