Coming 2 America (2021)

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Coming 2 America (2021)
Opis: Sensing that trouble is brewing in the African kingdom of Zamunda, three long and prosperous decades after Prince Akeem and Lisa McDowell's opulent wedding in Coming to America (1988), King Jaffe Joffer and Semmi drop a bombshell. As a result, with three lovely daughters and no sons, it seems that Prince Akeem is with his back to the wall, as General Izzi, the megalomaniac despot of the neighbouring country of Nexdoria, dreams of seizing power through a political marriage of convenience. Now, newly crowned King Akeem and his trusted confidante, Semmi, have to return where it all began, the bustling borough of Queens, New York, to retrieve Lavelle: the illegitimate son unsuspecting Akeem never knew existed. Can the prince of Zamunda restore peace and stability in less than a week? —Nick Riganas
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