Cosmoball (2020)

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Cosmoball (2020)
Opis: 2071. Galactic wars have destroyed the Moon and changed the climate on the Earth. Now tropical forests are covering Moscow, while New York is iced all over. A huge alien ship towers over Moscow - it is the stadium where spectacular intergalactic Cosmoball competitions take place. The game combines both sport and gladiator fights. When the game is on, the whole world stops in its tracks to watch it. The players are called Athletes, only they are allowed to contest because of their powers and ability to control them. Everyone adores Cosmoball except Anton - a regular guy who wants to find a job to help his family. But once he reveals his powers and gets to the worlds Cosmoball team. Now he's one of the Athletes. Anton has no idea what special role is destined for him, and that the final game will become the battle for the Earth. —Canon y mus
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