Emerson Heights (2020)

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Emerson Heights (2020)
Opis: Emerson Heights is a story of love that seeks to answer the age-old question - can you follow your passion, and still follow your heart? When Cody McClain (Austin James), an aspiring actor trying to make it in Los Angeles meets Briley Williams (Gatlin Kate James), he is immediately smitten. However, he soon learns that Briley is from New York and has to return home. Not one to let things get in his way, Cody pursues her anyway. They begin a long term love affair, and attempt to beat the odds of long distance relationships. However, when Cody's career takes off and he is the lead of a blockbuster film, he struggles to juggle his newfound stardom and his feelings for Briley. His struggle intensifies when his co-star, Haley (Amanda Grace Benitez), reveals her feelings for him, and his manager, Vick (Matt Singletary), seeks to keep his career on track; at all costs. —Jeenyus Entertainment
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