Family Switch (2023)

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Family Switch (2023)
Opis: The Walkers are a nuclear family of five: Mom Jess, Dad Bill, 16 year old daughter CC, 14 year old son WYATT, and 2 year old son Miles. But when a mysterious event occurs at the Griffith Park Planetarium, the nuclear elements split and recombine; Jess's mind is in CC's body (and vice versa), while Bill's mind is in WYATT's body (and vice versa). While CC and Wyatt try to navigate the impossibly complicated world that is adulthood (responsibilities, skills, fears, ambitions), Jess and Bill must work their way through the insanely intricate network of rites of passage (bullying, soccer games, music, parties, romance) that comes with being a teenager, while all four scramble to undo the spell that catastrophically recombined their personalities.
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