Father Soldier Son (2020)

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Father Soldier Son (2020)
Opis: Isaac and Joey have a superhero for a father. They worship their Dad, Brian Eisch, a decorated, third generation soldier who spends most of their childhood deployed in Afghanistan while other family members care for the boys. When Brian is injured and returns home a different man, all three must reconcile with the aftershocks of war. As Brian fights to retain control of himself and his loved ones, fate continues to challenge his belief in justice and self-determination. Catrin Einhorn and Leslye Davis's stunning ethnographic study of American masculinity and generational tragedy follows the Eischs for close to a decade as their intense father-son bond is challenged time and time again. Davis's restrained and beautiful cinematography subtly captures moments of raw anguish and unadulterated joy. This deeply moving portrait of a family called to serve explores the meaning of sacrifice, the need for purpose, and the challenges of being a father, a soldier and a son. Presented by Netflix.
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