Girl on the Third Floor (2019)

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Girl on the Third Floor (2019)
Opis: Donald Koch, a.k.a. "Don", "King Don" and "Tiger", moves from Chicago to the suburbs since his wife Liz is pregnant and they believe the location is adequate to raise a family with children. Liz buys an old house and Don, who is unemployed, goes with his dog Cooper first to renovate the house. Soon he learns from his neighbor Ellie Mueller that the house was a brothel many years ago. Then he meets another neighbor, the sexy Sarah Yates, and they have sex in the house. When Sarah returns to visit him, he says that their affair was a mistake since he is married and asks her to not come back again. On the weekend, his friend Milo Stone comes to help Don in the renovation. But soon the house shows supernatural events and Milo, Don and Liz learn that the place is haunted with a sordid past. —Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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