Holding These Moments (2020)

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Holding These Moments (2020)
Opis: In early 2016, Dan Elswick embarked to document BANE's final US tour. Starting as a love letter to his favorite band, it turned into much more. Beginning at a time when hardcore music strayed from its punk roots, BANE musically and lyrically challenged people. Five individuals set a course to live and play music by their own rules. After two decades attracting fans with their honesty as people and musicians, home life and self-doubt pressured them. BANE made an all-or-nothing decision to end the band with a final album and tour. Holding These Moments examines the challenges of living and creating art on your own terms. It explores the artist's struggle: questioning relevance and living a life of meaning amidst one's art. Through extensive band, fan, and friend interviews, we see firsthand the impact of people living less ordinarily.
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