Home Sweet Home (2020)

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Home Sweet Home (2020)
Opis: Bored with her social butterfly lifestyle, Victoria Tremont longs to find that special someone. Naturally, when a handsome stranger walks into the coffee shop where she works, she turns on the charm. But when he fails to respond to her flirting the way men usually do, she's perplexed. She finds out that he runs a ministry that builds affordable housing, and sees that if she wants to get his attention, all she has to do is volunteer. So what if it's a faith-based ministry. Pretending to be a "church person" isn't any different than pretending to like sports or a guy's friends, right? Jason Holman has relocated, hoping to get away from women who don't take commitment seriously. As the coordinator for Home Base, a nonprofit organization dedicated to building basic housing for those who would not otherwise be able to afford it, he has a purpose. Now, all he needs is a cure for his loneliness. But when a beautiful blonde volunteer catches his eye, he resolves to keep their relationship professional. —Lesley Ann McDaniel
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