Hopewell (2020)

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Hopewell (2020)
Opis: On the morning of September 3, 1931, Brother James Howell arrived at church earlier than usual to once again find the same mysterious man and woman asleep in the pews. Again, they told him of the horryfing events that took place the night before that drove them from their home in terror. Brother Howell had already visited the rural and delapidated home twice, each time giving it his holiest blessing and each time not finding a thing. What was it these people were seeing? What kind of thing could drive someone from their home? After realizing the stressful toll the family was under, it was then that Brother Howell decided to stay the night in the old house to see for himself what exactly was happening after the sun went down. As a skeptic at first, it wasn't long into the night before he realized that he was not alone. For it didn't take long for him to realize why the couple had fled in terror. —Dane Sears
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