Hunterrr (2015)

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Hunterrr (2015)
Opis: Mandar Ponkshe is an ordinary guy, meaning there is hardly anything extraordinary about him. He is maybe 5'8" or 5'9". He dresses very un-dandily if there was such a term, wears a goatee to hide what could be considered a weak chin. Mandar does not attract attention because he wants to be seen as ordinary. But behind that facade is a story - of an interesting past life that has been led. His single-minded pursuit of girls, tall and short, stout or with a pout. He's funny unconventionally without meaning to be witty. His friends have lost all hope of him settling down, as they know that he doesn't plan to. And then suddenly he meets someone whom he starts liking... and falls in love with. What will happen now? Will she know about his past? Will he able to hide his Hunterrrr reputation? The story of a guy, who doesn't want to grow up!
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