James Veitch: Straight to VHS (2020)

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James Veitch: Straight to VHS (2020)
Opis: Presented by Team Coco, James Veitch's comedy special explores technology, retro gaming, and finding love through troubleshooting theory. What can you say about James Veitch? He just doesn't like the tedium in life. So, forgive him for adding a little magic to the world, whether it be responding to an email about swimming pool plans meant for another pair of Veitches, refilling his roommate's conditioner bottle (but not her shampoo) without a word, making a dating profile for a duck he took a picture with, or putting Matthew McConaughey as his emergency contact (and advising you to do the same). Luckily, he's been recording all these exchanges for posterity and now it's time for them to see the light of day. —Movie_Watcher
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