Jo Pil-ho: The Dawning Rage (2019)

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Jo Pil-ho: The Dawning Rage (2019)
Opis: Jo Pil-ho is a corrupt cop who helps a partner escape after a heist. Teaming up for a seemingly last one, Pil-ho and his partner decide to rob the police warehouse but an explosion thwarts their plans, leaving Pil-ho unconscious and his partner dead. When his own department begins suspecting his involvement in the explosion, for which he isn't responsible, Pil-ho decides to erase all evidence pointing towards him: and in the process finds himself enlisting a teenage girl's help in exposing a corporate scandal. Initially doing it just to get his name cleared, Pil-ho eventually finds himself becoming the girl's unlikely protector after a series of violent events. —Prashast Singh
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