Kiss Me Before It Blows Up (2020)

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Kiss Me Before It Blows Up (2020)
Opis: A subversive love story between clashing cultures and families, KISS ME BEFORE IT BLOWS UP is a romantic misadventure crossing all borders. When two generations of Israeli women fall for a German woman and a Palestinian man, chaos follows. What happens with lovers who don't fit but do belong together? When Maria lands in Tel Aviv from Germany and arrives at her lover Shira's apartment, one small mis-step starts a romantic journey of mythic proportions as Shira accepts a non-proposal of marriage. Upon meeting, their two families immediately collide over a shared historical past and the prospect of a combined future, while the second pair of lovers unexpectedly reflect yet another wide gap romance must bridge. Now it's Shira's fiercely independent, sardonic grandmother Berta's turn to test the very limits of love, conflict and circumstances. —Christine Guenther
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