L'heure D Les enfants terribles-Yaramaz Çocuklar (2021)

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L'heure D Les enfants terribles-Yaramaz Çocuklar (2021)
Opis: In a village in the south east of Turkey, Mahmut wants to divorce his newly-wed wife. At the same time, his sister Zeynep enrolls in an open high school and takes on a job in a factory. Against her father's wishes, she wants to leave the village and ultimately go to university. The siblings' demands become the center of conflict in their conservative family and community, who are not used to what Mahmut and Zeynep strive for. Intimately captured by their elder brother Ahmet Necdet Cupur, who left the village twenty years ago to pursue his studies, LES ENFANTS TERRIBLES is a story of clashes between generations, between the past and the present.
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