Opis: It's the late spring 1968. Free-spirited Viva, Jerry and Jim as a threesome have entered into a relationship together living in a rented house in Los Angeles. While chronologically there, they are trying to figure out truly how to become adults as they treat their lives as one big theater production. They have as a house-guest Viva's friend, New York based independent filmmaker Shirley, who has come to town to make a movie about old time Hollywood. Her independence in the business and the studio system will try to come closer together as her business manager is negotiating studio funding, allowing her to use "movie stars" apropos to the piece, without giving up creative control. These stories are set against the backdrop of the turbulent times, with the focus of that turbulence being the successful or failed assassination attempts against Robert F. Kennedy and Andy Warhol, as opposed to the continued bloodshed in Vietnam. The participants show that at times cannot be as committed to the project as the person at the helm, Agnès Varda. —Huggo
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