LiSA Another Great Day (2022)

LiSA Another Great Day (2022)
Opis: Follow LiSA's journey through the ups and downs of her life as she heads into this new phase that is represented by her 10th anniversary project. We explore the true face of LiSA as she creates music, performs and tries to make every new day another great day.
OBAVESTENJE! Postovani, u slucaju da ne mozete da postite video sadrzaj, iskljucite ad-block ili/i pokusajte sa drugim pretrazivacem, napominjemo, mi ne streamujemo video sadrzaj tako da ne mozemo ni uticati na njega, sve reklame sto se pojave su reklame od samog hostera, hvala i uzivajte u gledanju, Vase
Molimo vas da izaberete stream preko kojeg zelite da gledate
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