Mad Mom (2019)

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Mad Mom (2019)
Opis: Amber Vickers is ecstatic that she will finally be making the walk down the aisle with her prince charming Luke. After multiple failed relationships, she was beginning to think that something was wrong; but her soon-to-be mother-in-law and best friend, Jill, believes that Amber is the picture-perfect daughter she never had. Everything is coming up roses until Sharon Vickers, Amber's mother, arrives for a visit. Gaudy, straight-laced and opinionated, Sharon is the complete opposite of Jill. What was supposed to be a benign first meeting of the in-law's quickly turns into a competition, as Sharon and Jill have widely differing views on life, love and marriage. As the weekend visit is coming to an end, Sharon takes matters into her own hands, rendering Jill incapable of escaping her house, and proving to her once and for all that no one comes between Sharon and her daughter. —Incendo Productions
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