Magical Christmas Ornaments (2017)

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Magical Christmas Ornaments (2017)
Opis: "After a bad breakup, former Christmas lover Marie (Lowndes) loses her Christmas spirit. Trying to restore it, her mother sends Marie Christmas ornaments from her childhood, and a coincidental blessing follows each one. Marie's Christmas spirit gets another boost when she meets her handsome neighbor, Nate (Penny), and feels a spark with him while celebrating the season. When Marie's boss assigns her to edit the book of the man who caused her holiday heartache, however, the task resurfaces doubts from the past and even causes her to push Nate away. Feeling lost both at work and in love, Marie looks for a Christmas miracle to give her the confidence to pursue her work goals and to try to win Nate back. As Christmas approaches, Marie must follow her heart's passion - both at work and in love - and hope for one more blessing from her magical Christmas ornaments."
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