Opis: A large woman brings Buster to court, wrongly accusing him of smashing a window. But the judge is an immigrant who only understands Polish. He mistakes Buster and the woman for another couple and marries them to one another. The large woman brings her new husband to her home, where Buster is confronted with her brutal brothers. The next morning one of them finds a letter, which has slipped out of Buster's clothes. The man doesn't see that the letter isn't addressed to Buster, who just got it by mistake. The letter says that the addressee has inherited §100.000. Believing that Buster has become rich his new brothers-in-law start to treat him kindly. They purchase a luxury house for him by installments. When they find out that the letter actually isn't addressed to Buster, their attitude changes once more. They now want to kill him. After a furious chase Buster slips into a train just leaving for Reno.—Maths Jesperson {[email protected]}
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