One Winter Wedding (2021)

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One Winter Wedding (2021)
Opis: Seattle-based Ben Livingston, CEO of Charmed, a successful snowboarding equipment manufacturer, and mystery novelist Cara Reneau, the second in her planned and thus far acclaimed trilogy having just been released, are planning on a Rome destination wedding, but one scheduling issue in their respective extremely busy professional lives after another seems to derail any plans they may make. So they decide, almost simultaneously at the last minute, to hold a wedding in ten days where it all began, Clara Lake ski resort, where they met, fell in love and got engaged. While the third in their foursome, Megan Marquand, Cara's best friend, is available not only for her duty of maid of honor but also as wedding planner, the fourth, Sean, Ben's physician best friend, can't being stationed overseas for a non-profit, with Ben's younger sister, Zoey Livingston, filling in as best friend and best "woman" for Ben. Sean, however, does have his own plans as approximately one year behind Ben and Cara in the romance and love department, he has set up an elaborate proposal with Ben's help to surprise Megan. It ends up being a work trip for Cara as she, needing to make a pitch to her publisher Renee on how to conclude the trilogy, comes across the unknown story of the resort founders, Max and Clara Diecker, as the basis for the third book, indications being that their marriage did not survive the initial romance. While Ben reading into Cara's stories has caused problems in the past, he may again doubt Cara's feelings if he learns how she plans to conclude the trilogy. Conversely, it ends up also being a work trip for Ben, his secrecy in not wanting to concern Cara until things with "the issue" are more settled, may also factor into whether Cara feels she can trust Ben as a husband. —Huggo
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