Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran (2018)

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Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran (2018)
Opis: Captain Ashwat Raina's efforts to turn India into a nuclear state are at first met with criticism and then years later, with an offer from the government. With the help of Himanshu Shukla, the Prime Minister's principal secretary, he leads a team to conduct a second nuclear test series. The only major threat lurking is the American Lacrosse satellite which caught the first test preparations, further causing America to warn India about such future tests. With their patriotic hearts and unbreakable spirits, Ashwat and his team race against time to conduct the tests confidentially while the country's worsening political scenario as well as the presence of spies from US and Pakistan puts them into both mental as well as physical challenges.
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