Opis: Holed up in the labyrinthine trap of narrow cobblestoned streets and dark dead-end alleys in the bustling Casbah quarter of Algiers, the charismatic leader and elegant Parisian gangster, Pépé le Moko, is starting to reach the end of his tether. Under those pressing circumstances, and always homesick for his beloved Paris after two long years in the impenetrable district, Pépé and his loyal gang find themselves in a constant cat-and-mouse game with the local police and the sly, manipulative detective, Inspector Slimane, trying hard to be one step ahead of them. But, as if that weren't enough, a chance encounter with the dazzling coquette, Gaby, will expose the Achilles' heel of the love-smitten lord of the Casbah, who is now eager to dice with death only to be with her. Is she Pépé le Moko's last chance to leave his squalid criminal haven? —Nick Riganas
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