Phulrani (2023)

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Phulrani (2023)
Opis: Vikram Rajadhyaksha academy has been winning the Pretty Princess beauty contest for last five years.His friend Saurabh challenges him that he should groom up girls from different society for the contest rather then high society girls.They come across Shevanta Tandel just outside the venue whose a florist and belongs to Koliwada,Saurabh tells Vikram to accept the challenge to groom her and Vikram accepts it.The video of Vikram accepting the challenge goes viral on social media and Dhruv one of the pageant sponsor shows interest in working with Vikram by offering him a big share of profit.Shevanta joins Vikram's academy but she is humiliated by the high society girls one of them being top model Riya,she quits the academy and goes back home but Vikram convinces her to comeback and starts to train her himself and takes special interest in her.But is Vikram really inquisitive about her or just wants to win is challenge seeing a business profit.—[email protected]
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