6.6 10 146
Red (2021)
Opis: Civil engineer Siddharth is having the time of his life with his girlfriend Mahima, while his lookalike gambling thief Aditya is having a hard time due to financial reasons. Everything changes one rainy night when one of them breaks into a house and kills its owner, unwittingly leaving behind a pictorial evidence that results in the cops nabbing Siddharth. Sub-inspector Yamini leads the case assigned to her by circle inspector Sampath who holds a personal grudge against Siddharth and wants him to be proven the murderer. However, things turn upside down when cops discover a drunk Aditya arrested for drunk driving. Realizing they have only 48 hours to find out the real murderer before the court announces its decision, the cops struggle to solve the case while making sure the two men don't come face-to-face or else the inevitable might happen. —Prashast Singh
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