Side Seeing (2022)

Side Seeing (2022)
Opis: May, a daughter of Vietnamese billionaire would like to celebrate her turning 18 years old in Bangkok. She is willing to spend a lot of money just to have a dinner with Mr. Park, Thai actor that she's really admire. Somehow she sudden feels like money is not the answer that will brings true happiness to her life so she decided to get to know Mr Park as normal girl. But everything is not that smooth when her parents send Van (housekeeper) and 4 bodyguards to follow and take care every steps of her. So she come up with the plan with Dua Hau, to sneak out of the place so she could meet Mr Park in private. She met Boy, the motorcycle biker who brought her to see Mr.Park and it's like the destiny, they became a partner. Boy helps May to get away from bodyguards, and taking her around to meet Mr.Park. Somehow, staying with Boy makes Hana confuse about her feeling with Mr. Park. Who is she going to celebrate on her special day between Mr. Park and Boy.
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