The Devil Is Driving (1932)

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The Devil Is Driving (1932)
Opis: There is a garage in downtown New York City on the ground floor of an eight-story building, with a winding ramp, that serves as a cache for stolen automobiles. The second floor is the repair shop, with the third, fourth and fifth as storage rooms and the sixth is the paint shop, where the hot cars are quickly changed via new paint, fenders and windshields and license plates. The seventh has a speakeasy, and the eighth is the penthouse where the supposed-gang leader,Jenkins, resides in comfort, while the real head of the gang rambles about posing as a deaf-mute known as 'The Dummy." All of this goes undetected by NYC's Finest, and might have continued to do so if the ground-floor-garage manager and "front-man", "Beef" Evans , hadn't been sent on a one-way ride down the ramp, and his widow, Nancy, asked her brother, "Gabby" Denton, to investigate. Or, if Jenkins' sweetie, "Silver," hadn't gotten the sweets for "Gabby." —Les Adams
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