The Devil's Familiar (2020)

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The Devil's Familiar (2020)
Opis: 'The Devil's Familiar'A Found Footage Horror Feature brought to you by Severed Head Entertainment..A video camera is anonymously handed into Police.. The extracted footage is projected onto a screen we watch (the audience) as well as DCi Barker and other CID officers..The only information we know so far is that the video content was filmed by two students named Elliott Mooney (student number 06852105) and Jake Mcintyre (student number 05437921)..Elliott & Jake are studying Film & Video Production at Henwick University and this is there final film for the degree...The film is shot in a documentary style. It is about the 2006 Ribbesford Woods Murders where a man was found brutally murdered, another man "disappeared" in the woods. Sally Edwards was sent down for the murder.Elliott & Jake decide to look into the theory that Sally Edwards (Sarah Page), the woman convicted of the crimes was innocent and that a legendary creature was responsible. Along with local zoologist Logan (David Clarke), and Rex (Ross Mooney) whose brother vanished that night they go looking for answers. They won't like what they find.What actually happened in 2006? Was it a cover up? Or cold blooded murder?Written & Directed by Kieran 'Ran' Edwards 2019Shot in Worcestershire, West Midlands UK, starring.. Uriel Davies, Ross Mooney, David Clarke, Christopher Gadd, Pete Moulam, Tom Lee Rutter, Sarah Page, James E Taylor, David Fenn, Edd Littler, Laura Liptrot, Phill Liptrot, Hollie Edwards, Mark Murphy & Mark Randall.. 'The Devil's Familiar' was screened at Horror on Sea 2020 UK. It is soon to be released Worldwide via Darkside Releasing.
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