The Evil Twin (2021)

4.6 10 87
The Evil Twin (2021)
Opis: Escaping a physically abusive relationship, Emily North returns to her small hometown of Mill County, New York in reaching out to childhood friend Lenah. While Lenah puts her up at her house, Emily returns the favor by looking after Lenah's business, a vintage retail store, as Lenah leaves town to deal with some family matters. Emily receives what she considers unusual reactions from total strangers, it only upon discovering that she has a lookalike in town, Charlotte Palmer, the two, upon meeting, further discovering that they are long lost identical twins, although neither is aware of the reason of their separation in their respective adoptions. While not planned, Charlotte is able to use Emily for her own nefarious purposes, including murder, which not only places Emily into a living hell, but her life and those close to her in jeopardy, those close who include David, with who she has a budding romance, and David's adolescent daughter, Adalae. Emily's strongest line of defense in getting her life back solely as her own may be to find proof as to Charlotte having earlier murdered her married lover, Trevor Forsbeck, those suspicions the reason for those unusual reactions when Emily first arrived in town. —Huggo
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