The Farmer and the Belle: Saving Santaland (2020)

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The Farmer and the Belle: Saving Santaland (2020)
Opis: When a NYC model spends the holidays in a small town, she falls in love with her childhood pen pal, now a pig farmer, and helps save his hometown's Santaland--while learning that true beauty comes from the heart, not just a pretty face. Showing Young girls their worth is not based on their appearance, fame, social followers or money, but found by treating others with love, honor, and respect told through an inspirational, family Christmas story inspired by real events. THE FARMER AND THE BELLE: SAVING SANTALAND follows Belle Winters, a tired supermodel who's worried about aging out of the industry. One evening in her apartment in New York City, Belle remembers a charm bracelet with Biblical beauty affirmations that her grandmother gave her when she was a child. Belle no longer has the bracelet but thinks it might be at Santaland, a Christmas farm where she played in her youth. Desperate to find the bracelet, Belle sets out to find it and finds herself in the process. —Jenn Gotzon and Movieguide
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