The Girls of Summer (2020)

5.5 10 94
The Girls of Summer (2020)
Opis: After her two younger sisters leave home, Maren -- Midwest sod farmer by day, drummer by night -- is left alone to take care of her depressed, narcotic-abusing father. Eventually recognizing her unhappiness, Maren's father insists she pursue her dreams of becoming an Americana musician. This realization encourages Maren to join the band of legendary country star, Luke Thomas. While on tour with Luke's band, Maren falls in love with him. During a show, Maren performs a love song she has written specifically for Luke. His shocking response to her declaration of love sets unforeseeable events into motion. When the dream is bigger than you, will you rise to meet it? When the past wants to own your future, will you let it? When life sends you in another direction, will you choose to accept your fate? While staying true to herself and holding her family together, Maren must face the past in order to move forward.
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