The Marksman (2021)

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The Marksman (2021)
Opis: Leading a lonely, almost hand-to-mouth existence, Jim Hanson, a financially hard-pressed rancher on the Arizona-Mexico border and decorated former scout sniper for the U.S. Marine Corps, is on the ropes. Still reeling from the loss of a dear one, Jim spends his days with his inseparable companion, Jackson, the sheepdog, unbeknownst to him that his already complicated life is about to take an unexpected turn. Now, as desperate Rosa entrusts Jim with the life of her young son, Miguel, an inadvertent, all-out war with the brutally violent henchmen of the murderous cartel leader, Mauricio, breaks out. Suddenly, Hanson has one more problem to deal with, and the road to Chicago, where Miguel's relatives are, is long and fraught with danger. Can the grizzled protector carry out one last mission? —Nick Riganas
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