TKG: The Kids of Grove (2020)

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TKG: The Kids of Grove (2020)
Opis: The Wright Firm have been green lit for their biggest endeavor to date; 'The Grove Street Project'. By transforming a precinct that has been struck by crime and poverty for years into a safe and clean environment the firm expect to be met with support and understanding. This is not the case. Their execution and the short-term turnaround has left the already destitute community homeless. The media and public scrutinize the project for what it has done. For Nick Wright and his staff, public outcry is expected, however they continue to work overtime on the Easter weekend to get things implemented. Little do they know within the Grove Street community a retaliation of horrific proportions is being planned and it is embodied in the form of a group who call themselves the TKG. They are coming. —Damien Giglietta
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