Futurama - The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz (1999–)

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Futurama (1999–)
Rezija: N/A
Pisci: David X. Cohen, Matt Groening
Glumci: Billy West, John DiMaggio, Katey Sagal
Opis: Phillip Fry is a 25-year-old pizza delivery boy whose life is going nowhere. When he accidentally freezes himself on December 31, 1999, he wakes up 1,000 years in the future and has a chance to make a fresh start. He goes to work for the Planet Express Corporation, a futuristic delivery service that transports packages to all five quadrants of the universe. His companions include the delivery ship's captain, Leela, a beautiful one-eyed female alien who kicks some serious butt, and Bender, a robot with very human flaws.
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